ArtCast featuring Florian Cramer
For this ArtCast Barbara sat down with Florian Cramer, media theorist, Berlin. He makes his texts available on his gopher site, most recently with a booklet Words Made Flesh - Code, Culture, Imagination on the poetics and cultural history of algorithm code art. Cramers timeless statement "software cannot be understood by code alone. it is a culture!" stays true. We caught up with Florian recently on "Software as a poetic speculation" his recent talks in Basels' Plug-in and in Digitaler Salon Zurich.
Florian Cramer has contributed extentensively to the acceptance of net art, the reception of Net-Literature and now the recognition of code in arts: executable code as art and as mathematical algorhithm. Contributing theory in parellel with community paticipation, since a decade, he has moderated mailinglists (Rohrpost, nettime-unstable) and as a Jury member (Transmediale). With his texts he is an active participant in the emergence and acceptance of net art (Jodi. install.exe) as a Philologist and Professor of Compartative Literature in Berlin.
Listen and enjoy!
Florian Cramer has contributed extentensively to the acceptance of net art, the reception of Net-Literature and now the recognition of code in arts: executable code as art and as mathematical algorhithm. Contributing theory in parellel with community paticipation, since a decade, he has moderated mailinglists (Rohrpost, nettime-unstable) and as a Jury member (Transmediale). With his texts he is an active participant in the emergence and acceptance of net art (Jodi. install.exe) as a Philologist and Professor of Compartative Literature in Berlin.

Listen and enjoy!
patpatpat - 6. Dez, 23:35
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