ArtCast - Gottfried Honegger et al.

Todays edition focuses (52 min.) mainly on the swiss artist Gottfried Honegger, 88 years old and an outspoken socialist. The recordings were done during todays session of "Art Basel Conversations". There was a panel, talking about "Those who collect: Artists and Art Professionals". On the panel were María de Corral, Art critic and independent Curator, Co-Director 51st Venice Biennial; Pierre Huber, Art Dealer, Collector, Collection Pierre Huber, Geneva, CH; Yvon Lambert, Art Dealer, Collector, Yvon Lambert Collection, Paris, FR; Gottfried Honegger, Artist, Collector l'Espace de l’Art Concret and Albers-Honegger Collection, Château Mouans-Sartoux, FR; host: Richard Flood, Deputy Director and Chief Curator of the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
You'll hear
- examples from the book "Do it", the subject of yesterdays edition
- Honeggers presentation (french, with english translation); he talks also about his work with children and why he does it. His motto, taken from Kasimir Malewich: "Mon atelier c'est la rue!", my atelier is the street.
- an interview with Honegger (german), where he elaborates why it's important for him that children learn / re-learn to see and hear
- the presentation of Maria de Corral (english)
P.S. yes, we still screw up the issue of 44,1 and 48kHz sampling rate... we'll do better next time...
patpatpat - 16. Jun, 16:11
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handspieler - 18. Jun, 12:30
ein ohrenschmaus, der gottfried
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