ArtCast featuring Malcolm McLaren

What you'll hear McLaren saying in the interview - among many other inspiring and provocative things: "Failure is liberating! (...) I'm no less punk than i was yesterday! punk rock is basically about the noble persuit of failure! (...) Johnny Rotten became my archenemy! (...) Bury the fucking legend! (...) The Situationists were major mentors of mine! (...) Everything the Situationists said in the sixties became true. (...) When I helped put 'Good save the Queen' on number one and had it banned from the radio at the same time, Guy Debord called me up on the telephone - I've never spoken to him in my life - and he said: 'Thank you very much for getting my record to number one!' As far as he was concerned he owned that record and he owned that idea. And I thought, brilliantly audacious and truely wonderful and I never forgot it. I agree with him, it was his idea, yes! (...) The internet will define this centuries culture and politics. (...) Mr. Napster is a Saint! (...) open source software: fantastic! (...) I'd much rather see a world where things are for free, but - what's more important than that - where things are not for sale! that's the distinctive idea!"
Feedback ist always welcom to "artcast at gmail dot com". Enjoy!
patpatpat - 18. Jul, 13:22
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