
ArtCast: questions for Gianni Motti

One of the next days we'll do an interview with Gianni Motti, the artist who turned Silvio Berlusconis bodyfat into soap. We kindly invite you to mail us any questions you would want us to ask him. Just send them to our e-mail-adress:

"artcast at gmail dot com"

Thanks a lot for your inspiration!


podcasting to save UMTS?

The austrian newspaper "Der Standard" writes:

Podcasting hat zudem das Potenzial zur echten und einzigen Killerapplikation von UMTS: Die selbstgestalteten Beiträge könnten in Zukunft auf einem Server gesammelt und dann per UMTS übertragen werden und würden so zum Radio für alle. (podcasting has the potential to be the one and only killer application for UMTS / 3G-mobile: the autonomously produced shows could be collected on a server and then be transmitted via UMTS and this way become the "radio for all".)

Sounds familiar somehow...

ArtCast featuring Charo Oquet of edgezones.org

Charo Oquet (picsource)
Today you will hear the conversation Barbara had in Basel with Charo Oquet. She's an artist, born in the Dominican Republic, living in Miami and running the independent art space called edgezones there. Charo reflects on the influence the Art Basel Miami Beach has on the town it takes place in - Miami Beach (the "sister artfair" of Art Basel). Charo sees Miami as a magical place, where many different carribean cultures flow together to form new artistic expressions in art and music, a place that's new and different every day. The "Miami New Times" wrote about her:

Dominican Charo Oquet is a well-known Miami artist with a gift -- she is a master facilitator. Since 2003, as Edge Zones director, Oquet has presented a series of important shows at the World Arts Building in Wynwood. Numerous Miami artists have been featured in these collective exhibits. In addition, for the past four years she has initiated exchanges among some of Miami's best talents through exhibitions such as "Miami: Tierra Caliente" at the Fourth Caribbean Biennale in Santo Domingo (co-curated with Genaro Ambrosino), among other efforts. Just recently Edge Zones, Oquet's nonprofit organization, was invited to ARCO 2004, the annual contemporary art fair in Madrid. Warm, upbeat, and committed, the 52-year-old Oquet is an activist with big plans for Miami.


ArtCast in ladies room - and elsewhere!

This ArtCast is a kind of a soundseeing-tour. Barbara takes you from the ladies room of the restaurant "Kunsthalle", where three woman talk about podcasting and art, into the eating area where she passes by galerist Volker Diehl and ends up at the table with Philippe Wright who publishes "The Leading Art & Antique Dealers of the World 2005 Directory", whom she involves in an extensve philosophical and aesthetical discussion. Nothing prepared, all spontaneous, minimal editing, go with the flow...
Feedback always welcome at "artcast at gmail dot com".

comments on ArtCast

We found them at our entry with podster.de

Kunstinsider outen
Für viele vielleicht etwas trocken, aber ich mag diese Hintergrundarbeit sehr gerne. Vielleicht auch mal etwas fürs deutschsprachige Gehör? Öffnet eventuell weitere kunsttaugliche Gehörgänge. Gruss Frank
von Frank Tentler am 21.06.05, 12:03
Art will take off
Hopefully this kind of art related content delivery will be extended and really takes off. It allows us to stay at home and to listen to those thought leaders, we might not be able to meet in person.
von Steffen Konrath am 20.06.05, 22:18

Thank you very much für das Feedback!


ArtCast featuring curator Hanru Hou

from left to right: Wang Huangsheng, Director Guangdong Museum of Art; Uli Sigg, Collector, Mauensee Switzerland; Huang Yong Ping, Artist; Hanru Hou, curator

In todays show (duration 13:30) you will hear an interview with the curator Hanru Hou, where he explains his view on the consequences the fast urbanisation in china has on the arts an on museums. We met him after the panel "The Future of the Museum: Profile China" at Art Basel Conversations" (some fotos from this and a few other ArtImpressions here).
Feedback as always is welcom to "artcast at gmail.com". Thanks for your interest and attention!


ArtCast meets Chris Johanson

Chris Johanson & his wife Jo Jackson (picsource)

Just a short show today: an accidental meeting with Chris Johanson from Portland, Oregon, outside the VoltaShow. He explains, why balloons are more happy when they are tied to the ground than when they fly into the sky...


ArtCast - Gottfried Honegger et al.

Todays edition focuses (52 min.) mainly on the swiss artist Gottfried Honegger, 88 years old and an outspoken socialist. The recordings were done during todays session of "Art Basel Conversations". There was a panel, talking about "Those who collect: Artists and Art Professionals". On the panel were María de Corral, Art critic and independent Curator, Co-Director 51st Venice Biennial; Pierre Huber, Art Dealer, Collector, Collection Pierre Huber, Geneva, CH; Yvon Lambert, Art Dealer, Collector, Yvon Lambert Collection, Paris, FR; Gottfried Honegger, Artist, Collector l'Espace de l’Art Concret and Albers-Honegger Collection, Château Mouans-Sartoux, FR; host: Richard Flood, Deputy Director and Chief Curator of the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
You'll hear
  1. examples from the book "Do it", the subject of yesterdays edition
  2. Honeggers presentation (french, with english translation); he talks also about his work with children and why he does it. His motto, taken from Kasimir Malewich: "Mon atelier c'est la rue!", my atelier is the street.
  3. an interview with Honegger (german), where he elaborates why it's important for him that children learn / re-learn to see and hear
  4. the presentation of Maria de Corral (english)
Please excuse the minor sound quality of the presentations... Feedback and input are always welcome at "artcast at gmail dot com".

P.S. yes, we still screw up the issue of 44,1 and 48kHz sampling rate... we'll do better next time...


ArtCast at the presentation of "Do it!"

In todays show - all in english... - from the artfair Art Basel you will hear
  1. the couple that bought the styrofoam chair swimming in four wineglasses
  2. the story about Gianni Mottis soap
  3. the curator Hans Ulrich Obrist talking about his new book "Do it!" (site for the book) at a venue called "Art Lobby"
  4. artists in a panel about Obrists book: John Baldessari, Doug Aitken, Willem de Rooij, and Marina Abramovic
  5. a short interview with John Baldessari about his view on "Do it!", the Art Basel, and what he sees outside his favourite window...
Feedback is always welcome at artcast at gmail dot com. Enjoy!

Thanks for the new RSS-feedbutton, Markus, from top-of-the-pods!


ArtCast from the Openings

Welcome to our second show of 36:20 duration! Barabara met
  1. Jean Claude from Les Complices at the opening of Art Umlimited (interview in english)
  2. Guillaume Daeppen from the Gallery Daeppen at the Swiss Art Awards (interview in french)
  3. Simon Maurer from the Helmhaus, Zurich, at the Liste05 Vernissage (interview in swiss german)

Three different approaches to creating art spaces: a collaborative independant initiative, a commercially run gallery and a state funded art institution. They talk of their realities, ideals and strategies. A central issue was: the balancing act of a regional reality confronted with a global market.

3 languages in 1 podcast? that's normal. we're used to that. you need (at least) 3 (german, french, italian - sorry the rumantch...) languages inside this small country to meet the plusminus autochtonous people eye to eye.


ArtCast from VoltaShow

Welcome to our first show - of 33 minutes! We basically walked through the VoltaShow and met some interesting people:
  1. Louise Hayward from Store Gallery in London talking mainly about Dan Holdsworth
  2. John Thomson of Foxy Production talking of Paper Rad et al.
  3. Becky Smith of Bellwether

We do have some more material which we will use an a later show. Stay tuned - and if you feel like: Give us feedback or tell us what you want to know about Art Basel via "artcast at gmail dot com"

By the way: This first edition we recorded, edited and uploaded on location inside the VoltaShow, using their WLAN. Thanks!


ArtCast icon 1.0

Ok, i made up an icon. Yes, I'm not a graphic designer. Does it show? ;-) And, A-C means ArtCast, not Adam Curry! Although... No ArtCast without Adam. At least technologywise... We even made it into the list of new podcasts over at ipodder.org now. I submitted ArtCast to the "culture" category with this argumentation for being listed:

ArtCast talks about art in whatever form it appears. Whenever the hosts get a hold of it, wherever that may be: meeting artist, galerist, collectors, curators etc. live or via the net. The podcast launches around Art Basel 05: june 15-20.

How more vague can you be? Well, I wanted to be leave us open any and all options.

ArtCast Basel

was wird, werden wir hören


ArtCast is a podcast (->[engl.] [deut.]), that talks about art in whatever form it appears. Whenever the hosts get a hold of it, wherever that may be: meeting artist, galerist, collectors, curators etc. live or via the net. Wir produzieren auf Deutsch, Französisch oder Englisch, was halt jeweils passt. Tages-Anzeiger über Podcasting und ArtCast. Supported in part by

our feedbutton

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feedback - input via
artcast at gmail dot com

Podcast? Podcast!
ArtCast? Artcast!
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Swiss Blog Awards 2006 podsafe music network

Wer spricht?

Barbara Strebel studierte Kulturanthropologie und Kunstgeschichte an der Universität von Michigan Ann Arbor; Ausbildung in Audiovisueller Gestaltung an der (damals) Kunstgewerbeschule Basel; initiierte und organisierte Plattformen und Events rund um die Themen Internet, Netzkultur, Netzkunst (Basler Knoten des Netzwerkes "the thing", des 1. öffentlichen Internetproviders; Mitorganisatorin von "comm-x-change.ch": Offenes Forum für analoge und digitale Kommunikation im Haus der Wirtschaft, ehem. Börse - jetzt baz); Konzept und Umsetzung des internationalen Architektursymposiums "A2B" im Rahmen der SwissBau 2001; Konzept / Organisation Orbit/Comdex-Kongress 2000/2002 in Basel

Patrik Tschudin Redaktor / Moderator bei Schweizer Radio DRS2 im Team der Sendung DRS2aktuell, seit Anfang der 90er Jahre journalistische und praktische Auseinandersetzung mit technischen, politischen und gesellschaftlichen Implikationen des Netzes. Mitglied radiolab.ch

Hannes Gassert arbeitet als CTO bei mediagonal.

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